Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hop Against Homphobia, Bi- and Transphobia

Hi & welcome! I'm thrilled to take part in this year's Hop in honor of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, May 17th. The blog hop and giveaway will run until May 24th. Details and prizes for hoppers are at the end of this post. Let's all join the conversation.

To me, the key to fight homophobia, biphobia and transphobia is representation, and communication. You can’t make your point if you’re not safe, and when you’re not being heard, others will try to define who you are. This is especially important when it comes to crafting laws and passing bills for equal protection, but also in the everyday life.

 This is why I’m thrilled to take part in this event where we come together to name the problem and discuss solutions from various perspectives in the context of storytelling.

Media matters when it comes to creating a safe space for this conversation, so I’m grateful for publishers and reviewers who welcome every letter of LGBTQ, because it takes many stories to build the whole picture.

LGBTQ characters in mainstream media count, because it’s harder to understand what you can’t see or imagine.

 The more, the better.

In my little corner of the LGBTQ book world, I write lesbian erotica and erotic romance. A Perfect Dream, the first in a series about a sensual getaway for women, follows the story of a woman who keeps many secrets and can’t imagine her life any other way, is confronted with the ultimate alternative.

I will give away three e-copies—to enter, you just have to leave a comment here on this post. Please add your contact information (email address). Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you on July 22nd for the cover reveal of my erotic romance Surrender Your Heart.



Visit all the blogs participating in the hop, see you around!


  1. Thank you for the chance! Wonderful blog hop!

  2. Great post. Thank you for taking part in the hop.

    1. Thank you so much! It's good to combine a great cause with something fun.

  3. Thanks for post and hop.

  4. Do you write spec fic of any kind? I am always looking for more F/F and lesfic authors to promote. I run promotional events several times a year, and every Valentine's Day I focus on F/F.

    Also, I'm smiling because the protagonist of my WIP is named Raven.

    Anastasia Vitsky

  5. I'm sorry, no spec fic, I write contemporary F/F erotica and erotic romance. Sharing a name with your protagonist is smile-worthy, though. :-) Thanks for commenting here.
